Wednesday, July 30, 2008

It's so much more than words

Oliver's language is exploding.  I feel like my little boy is making sense.  He has opinions that I now have to pay attention to.  Here is our normal breakfast conversation:
me: What do you want to do today Oliver?
O: bap, ca, tids? 
me: you want to take the car to the park and play with kids?
O: Adie? 
me: yes, Aiden should be there. 
Every morning. No wonder we go to every play date. It's hard to say no to that.  So today we did take the car to the park to play with Aiden (and others).  He fell asleep on the way home and after his nap he was a really sweet compliant kid.  I think I have been so busy that I haven't really noticed how well he is communicating.  For some reason, this afternoon he said something that really struck me. I handed him a clementine for snack and then he looked at me and said "taint tou mommy".  Totally appropriate and unprompted.  It was that moment that I realized baby is gone and I like the little man he is turning into. I just stood back and watched him eat his orange with a proud mom smile on my face. I look forward to see what else he is quietly learning while I am not paying attention. 

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Thanks Ladies

Last night a few of my mommy friends and I went out for dinner.  It was bitter sweet, because it was a going away dinner for Angie.  I had such a great time.  I got a headache from laughing so hard.  We talked for 3 hours solid and there was not a dull moment.  I find it amazing that we have only known each other for months, not years.  This particular group of ladies just seem to click (with a "k" not a "que").  We all are very different  (kids, age, background), but we are moms and wives.  I think the teen at the next table stated it perfectly as he was taking our picture,  "you guys seem to be having a Sex in the City moment." And we were (I think); I have never seen Sex in the City.  
It's amazing to me what 3 hours with the girls can do for my attitude.   Today, I have so much more patience, energy and kisses for my kids. Another bonus, my abs and face hurt from laughing so hard.  We are really going to miss you Angie and your "blog"  Thanks Ladies!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

When I was pregnant with Oliver there were many things I looked forward to.  Dressing him in cute clothes, teaching him life skills, buying him presents. But as he gets older I am encountering many things that I never thought would be so fun.  
Today was Oliver's friend, Aiden's, 2nd birthday.  His first "friend" birthday party.  This party had all the bells and whistles. They had Thomas the Tank Engine everything; Oliver loves Thomas. He had such a great time.  He enjoyed picking out Aiden's present, helping me wrap it and playing with it once it was open (Thomas trains).  He was really excited to help Aid blow out his candle on his cake (although, I did cover his mouth to prevent licorice juice from being sprayed all over the cake).  He loved swimming in the pool with all of the balls.  He really enjoyed the Thomas goodie bag. He blew the whistle all the way home (thanks Karen :) ). 
When I was pregnant I never thought, "I can't wait to teach Oliver about birthday party traditions."  Or "I'm excited to get to experience a birthday party through a toddler's eyes".  But you know,  there is something magical about a kids birthday party.  I never once worried about how much sugar Oliver had consumed or that he was running around in wet clothes.  He was free to be Oliver and I was able to sit back to watch and learn.  

Friday, July 25, 2008

I need help!

I have a problem.  I  keep the peace too much.  Sometimes I wish I could be the person that says what I feel regardless of the repercussions or hurt feelings.  It's my dad's fault.  He crammed it in my head when I was younger. "Think about what you are going to say before you say it," he'd say.  In most cases I agree with him.  But now I think I think about it too much.  Don't get me wrong, I still speak up for what I believe, but I do it in a nice "watered down" sorta way.  So don't piss me off because then I might have to sit down and contemplate what I am going to say all day and then take an hour to type it and delete it and rewrite it because I can't say it to your face because I might say something I will regret later.  ARRRGGGGGGGGG.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

It wasn't really about the meal

After being married for almost 4 years my husband and I have fallen into somewhat of a routine. We are both schedule and planning people.  We get ready for bed the same way every night. Tim grabs the toothbrushes, I get the tooth paste, he rinses first and starts mouth washing, while I take my pills, then I use the mouth wash, we use the bathroom (Tim first), I check on Oliver, Tim locks the doors, turns on the TV and sets the sleep, I meet him in bed, but my hair in a binder, ask him if he locked both of the doors, we kiss and Tim rolls over.  Every night.  Seriously.  We have many of these daily routines. I think we may have gotten more rigid with them since the kids were born. Kids thrive on routines.  Also, I think it's my way of knowing that I brushed my teeth in the craziness of motherhood.   
With all of this predictability I feel like my life is sometimes the same thing, different day.  So when I woke up on Sunday I was surprised to hear some excitement in Tim's voice saying "I'm gonna make dinner tonight".  My first thought was, what about the dinner we had planned on the weekly menu? He had already been up for a couple hours planning this dinner so his dinner it was (he gets up with Oliver in the morning because I get the middle of the night wakings).  He found a recipe for Baked Ziti, and was really excited about it.  I reminded him that I work 12-6pm and he will have both kids while he is trying to make dinner. He had a plan.  So we made a special trip to Target to get all of the ingredients (he always does the grocery shopping with Amelia, while I take Oliver to get the non-food items and we meet in the toy department).  $35 dollars later he has 4-5 different types of cheese, pasta, kosher salt, and various spices.  We could have gone out to eat for $35 dollars.  We got home and unpacked the groceries.  Tim was going to start the prep work while I was home to help.  He even got out the blender to make the tomato sauce.  He got as much ready as he could before I had to go to work.  His plan was to make the rest while Oliver napped.  
His dinner was on my mind all day at work. I was actually nervous for him.  It's hard making a bowl of cereal with a my children, let alone a homemade dinner.  I prepped myself to be really excited about his dinner. What if I didn't like it? What if he was super stressed from trying to pull this off ? I didn't know what I would be coming home to.  I nervously  open the door. The house was quiet, calm and smelled great.  Tim had a huge, proud smile on his face.  He pulled it off. Dinner was fantastic!  He even left out the onions for me. 
Looking back on it, it wasn't about the meal.  I was just happy to see the excitement in Tim's face again.  Heck, I'll take on a second job to fund Tim's culinary experiments if that means I get to see that look every time he's successful.  This dinner helped me to realize that we, as a couple, need a break from the same old things once in a while. I think I'll give Grandma a call.  

Monday, July 21, 2008

He has to Pass Out Eventually, Right?

So today started out with a routine tot time outing.  Oliver loves tot time.  We usually do it twice a week. He runs like crazy and I only have to intervene when he takes another kid's toy. All of his (my) friends were there having  a great time. Today he must have gotten hurt 12 times. All silly little bumps that he would have normally brushed off.  He just fell apart. "He must be tired" I thought as I apologized for having to cut our play date short. I crammed lunch in him as quickly as I could, read him his normal 4 books and got him in bed.  Ahhh, now I can eat lunch and take care of a few things around the house.  Before I had kids I had always heard about how great the pitter patter of little feet were.  But, now all it meant is that defiant Oliver was running to his door to peek out. It's not cute.  When he sees me coming he slams the door and goes running full speed back to his bed.  This went on for 2 hours.  No joke.  He usually naps for those 2 hours.  Believe it or not he really was tired.  He napped until dinner time.  Oh well, I still got my break.  
Guess what he is doing as I type? Same game, different time.  I wonder how long it will go on this time.  I have to just keep telling myself "It's just a phase".  Right?

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Okay, I finally did it.

Here it is,  my first blog.  I have no idea what to say.  This is going to take awhile to get the hang of isn't it?  I have typed about 3 paragraphs and deleted all of it except these 4 sentences.  You know what screw it, I'm not being graded.  
We are having a day of banishing anything in the way up to the attic.  It feels great.  I am starting to be able to breathe again.  I am amazed how much crap another baby brings into the house.  I knew having a baby added a lot of stuff,  but I thought I already did that part 2 years ago.  Great, Oliver is up.  He only gave me 1 1/2 hours to stash things.  Now I have to hide things and walk  sideways as if I am not hiding his prized, clunky train track behind my back.  Wish me luck.  
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