Friday, August 28, 2009


Here is our sunflower (the tall one) before the storm knocked it down. It was a very fun project to do with the kids. Tim and the kids planted the seed in a tiny pot. Once it got too big for the pot we planted it in the ground outside. Oliver checked on it everyday and would comment on how tall it was. It went from "look mom it's almost as tall as Amelia," "it's as tall as me," "it's as tall as you are". He didn't know where to go after "it's taller than dad". It was just starting to bloom. Those 3 flowers on the top were the first. There were so many buds that I was excited to see bloom.
I guess that's how I feel about my kids. We plant a tiny little seed and watch them grow. And you never know what you're gong to get. We planted sunflower seeds from one placket and got 2 different varieties. The tall one and a shorter one with smaller flowers. I love seeing the currents blooms, but am always anxiously awaiting the new flowers. The only difference is that I protect my kids better than I did that flower, thank goodness. It was a great lesson in life.... for me. The kids could care less that the darn flower is gone.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

All day long!

This is what I've been seeing all day long lately. She has been so whiny and cranky. She follows me from room to room whining. Good thing she's so darn cute.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

That's Amelia.

Right after I took this picture I realized that it captured the "real" Amelia. She's got her big cloth diaper butt with dirt on it, upside down in the middle of the alley, with red rubber boots and a big smile on her face. Amelia is my very klutzy, carefree, silly, happy little girl who loves footwear. She keeps me smiling, that's for sure.
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