We went to the Choo Choo Bob building at the State Fair because my children, Oliver especially, love trains. We got there 10 minutes before story time and it wasn't even planned. Engineer Paul was presenting the story. Engineer Paul is a celebrity in our house between the CCB store, movies at the Riverview Theatre, and the CCB show DVDs. I wasn't sure how my kids were going to handle sitting for a story so we sat on the end of an aisle near the exit. Engineer Paul started the presentation by explaining what railroad tracks are made of and how they are assembled. He asked for a volunteer and to my surprise Amelia raised her hand and shouted "me, me". Also, to my surprise he chose her. He had to have known she was pretty young and probably not the best helper because if it. I was instantly nervous. How would she handle it? Does she even know what a volunteer is?
She did everything he asked her to do. He asked her her name and she answered "Amelia" and when he asked her how old she is she answered "two" (I wan't sure what she would say because lately she's been saying she's three).
In true Amelia fashion a couple seconds after this picture she tripped over that railroad track. Engineer Paul felt horrible. He kept asking her if she was okay and of course she was. Afterwards, I was talking to him and explained that she trips over things all the time so not to worry about it. You could see some relief in his face.
And just as quickly as it started it ended. She ran back to her seat when she decided she was done. In her defense it he did get a little long winded in explaining how the tracks are laid and what all the parts on the spike are called.
I was so proud! If she ever becomes a celebrity I will tell everyone she's liked the spotlight since she was two.