Saturday, August 27, 2011

Pretty Pretty Princess

We found the game Pretty Pretty Princess at our local thrift store.
Everyone has had a great time playing it....
until Oliver landed on the crown which was the last piece he needed to win. It also meant that Amelia had to give it up. Which she obviously didn't want to do.
Oliver the Pretty Princess.
Amelia the not so gracious loser.
And to add insult to injury Eloise's attempt to comfort her was to smack her on the head.
And what do I do this whole time...take pictures of it.
(I did step in right after this last picture and we had a great lesson in how to be a good winner and loser)

Monday, August 22, 2011

Where did my baby go?

Eloise can:
walk, run, play peek-a-boo and ring around the rosie, chase her brother and sister, do chores, sing the clean up song while cleaning up, brings me her shoes without prompting when it's time to go, climb up slides, blow kisses, hold her own against her brother
Eloise loves:
to whine, Florence and the Machine, baby dolls, shoes, tomato soup and noodles, moving things from one room to another, being held, copying Oliver and Amelia, to investigate, pushing babies/dolls in the stroller, hide things, Blue Hat Green Hat, dancing, being tickled, doing anything we're doing.
Eloise says:
mama, dada, Oliver, thirsty, ball, peek-a-boo, all done, bye, poop, puppy, two, banana, more, cheese, baby.
Eloise is:
smart, so kissable, always dirty, nonstop, the worlds best hugger, a daredevil, very independent, strong willed, my sweetheart, Eloise is and always will be my baby.
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