Sunday, August 10, 2008


Yesterday we went to the Lake Elmo Huff-N-Puff softball tournament.  I have gone to this tournament pretty much every year since I can remember (minus a couple years when it was not cool to hang out with my parents).  A couple of my aunts, uncles and parent's friends still play.  We got to the fields around noon for my aunt's game.  
Oliver had so much fun playing with my cousins Jack and Joe.  After that game (they won in the last inning) we went back to the main field.  They had a free bouncy castle and carnival games for the kids.  Oliver played all the games,
 well kind of.  He doesn't understand that he has to stand back and try to throw the ball in the hole.  Why would go through all of the extra effort?  He gets the same prize if he just walks up there and puts the ball in the hole.  I think he's learned a valuable life lesson. We even ran into our friends Julia and Leo at the playground.  What a great surprise. 
Oliver played and played some more. He didn't really care much about the softball games.  I did learn that it is very difficult to watch a game with a toddler running around.  Thankfully, there were a lot of family and friends around to help out. We ended up staying there until 7pm.  All in all we got to see some great softball and got very dirty.  Oh and the kids slept pretty well that night. 


Anonymous said...

That is the cutest picture...they look like little abstract copies of each other!

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