Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Nuk Be Gone! Woohoo!

Yes Oliver was still using a nuk at bedtime.  We told him that when he threw his nuks (2) away he could get a new cool train set.  We prepped him for a few days and decided Sunday the 16th was the day.  I already had purchased and wrapped the Thomas Adventure Canyon train set so it was ready to go.  That morning he threw them away and got his new track.  He was so excited that we all got enjoyment out of setting it up.  I hope it was a preview for Christmas.  He played with it for 12 hrs strait.  He even skipped his nap "no nap today, I'm playing trains".  He asked for it once before bed.  We simply reminded him that the nuk was gone and he got a special train set because of it.  That was it.  He hasn't asked for it since.  I was expecting this to be a lot harder, but I should have known.  That's how he's been with every hard transition we've come across.  Bottle, big boy bed, potty training ect.  I know our being consistent has helped with it, but I can't take all the credit. He's just my easy going (transition wise) kid.


Repo said...

that's great lady!! i'm really happy it went so well. :)

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