We got Oliver his yellow dump truck for his 2nd birthday. I had no idea that we bought him the coolest toy in the world. I found the black one with flames on it at a garage sale for $3 a few months after getting the first one. I felt sort of silly because he already had one, but I couldn't pass it up
I am so happy that I got that black one because now Amelia gets her own. She loves to follow her brother around pushing their trucks. Oliver dubbed the yellow one Amelia's and the black one his.
These trucks have spend the majority of the summer either at a park or in the van or stroller on the way to a park. When it came time to load up the van for a park trip, Oliver would grab his truck and load it into his side and Amelia would driver her's to her side of the van. It was really sweet. The real adventures began at the park. Oliver quickly learned what slides at North Dale would send his truck flying through the air and get the most distance. He also learned that this was not a good idea if the playground was busy. These truck have also been very helpful in teaching sharing. If you bring it to the park, you better be willing to share it.
After the park, the trucks often got washed in the sprinkler or pool.
Yes, the trucks are a little banged up and dirty, but look what they've been through. I have a feeling, with their lifetime warranty, they will be the toy of choice for quite some time.
They truely are the best toys ever!!
I want to add that I really like your new page :)
Love seeing the old pictures of O and A! Too cute! And I better get Miles a dumptruck now. I feel like I'm depriving him;)
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