Two days ago I got to vote. I woke up and was anxiously trying to figure out how I was going to manage voting with 2 kids. I worked 5-9pm so I couldn't go when my husband got home. I planned everything out. Both kids ate, Amelia napped (extra long, of course) and we got dressed for playing at the park afterwards (bribe). We walked the 4 blocks to North Dale and waited all of 15 second for a booth to open and we were out of there. Lickity split. No lines, no complications. I felt amazingly calm afterwards, but everyone at the playground seemed to be looking around sizing up the competition. I wonder who they voted for?
I got home from work at 9:15 and I wasn't expecting them to announce the results so quickly. When they said Barack Obama was the new President I was in shock. After shock came tears. I cried and cried. I cried when I thought about waking Oliver up in the morning and telling him that Obama won. I cried for all of the black people out there that deserve to have a president that looks like them. I cried for all the people that have fought so hard get equal rights. I cried because I felt like Barack will bring some peace to this world. I cried because I finally felt hopeful. I am still crying because there is so much emotion and history behind this election. I feel like there will finally be someone in charge that is looking out for me and my family. Relief. Hope. Love.
If you ask Oliver who his parents voted for he'll tell you"Bak Obama," he even helped his dad put the sign out in our front yard, but I know he doesn't really understand. Someday my kids will get it and they will always know that they were a part of it, strapped into the big double stroller.
I teared up, too :) It's amazing that a little bit of hope can bring about a whole lotta tears.
You made me cry again was a big big day for all of us.
Well written
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